Baby Steps

When making any type of lifestyle change I find it helpful to do an easier thing first, this boosts your self confidence while building up to your main objective. I also find mini-goals very helpful, these can be changed monthly, weekly, even daily if you choose. Last October I stopped smoking, drinking beer, and drinking […]

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How might tea help prevent cancer?

Depending on the type of tea and its processing and preparation technics, different teas have different health benefits. The predominant polyphenols in green tea and the theaflavins and thearubigins in black teas have strong antioxidant activity that may protect cells against cancer and prevent tumor growth and tumor invasion. In some laboratory and animal studies,

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Question: Why Cheese is yellow, whereas milk is white?

Question: Why Cheese is yellow, whereas milk is white? Answer: In fact, milk is not pure white. It contains very small yellow and orange nutrients called beta-carotene. Beta carotene is precursor of Vitamin-A. Many veggies including carrots are excellent source of beta carotene. Milk is white because it’s liquid. When during cheese making milk becomes

Question: Why Cheese is yellow, whereas milk is white? Read More »

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