
The Positive Side of Medicine

Sweet Brilliant Easter Treats

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Here are the links of top Easter treats..Hope you make them and enjoy them!

Photo by One Perfect Bite

For the recipe of this yummy bread click here

Photo by PBS

For the recipe of these beautiful chick marshmallows click here

Photo by Land O’ Lakes

These lamb and flower cupcakes look fantastic..I mean they’re so cute that you can’t even bite them. Here is the recipe. Landolakes.com has an amazing collection of other recipes for Easter too.

Photo by Hungry Happenings


Photo by Hungry Happenings


Photo by Hungry Happenings

These above treats are made by HungryHappenings. You can find the recipes here.

Photo by Sandra Mangas

To see how to bake a cake inside an egg, check out its recipe here.

Happy Easter Everyone!

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