All Positive Experiences

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Every second thousands of people help others to have a healthier and more positive life. We’re going to find and share some of your stories with others. The more you share, the more lives will be changed:

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Kidney Wishes: How a kidney can save a life? By Marina Gallagher

Because Of Social Networking: How social networks can help good people to save lives? By Bonnie Goldberg

Bonnie’s Story: A living donor’s story By Bonnie Goldberg

Losing weight vs. healthy and fit by Daniel Chidiac

The secret behind making home better: “LASH IT OUT!” By Kehinde S. Afolayan

Creating Balance in Everyday Life  By Dr. Arianna Sholes-Douglas

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Have you noticed that high-glycemic foods like bagels, chips, and milkshakes, just make you hungrier? If you look at much of the literature about dieting,

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All my life I have battled occasional bouts of insomnia. My mom tells stories of going in to check on me at night, and I

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