
The Positive Side of Medicine

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open positions @ positivemed

PositiveMed is an innovative startup in digital healthcare that helps people to educate themselves about medical conditions by simple graphic tools and encourage people to share their medical experiences. We are hiring immediately a Geek leader (technical manager) and a Tech/Web Geek to execute and optimize our web-based services. In addition we’d be more than happy to have the privilege to have an infographics designer in our team

Geek leader Position 

Tech/Web Geek Position

Infographics Designer Position


Yes my intelligent friends, we are a small startup and you could write for a hedge fund or an investment bank here in New York. Or work for large corporates with free lunch and bicycles in Palo Alto. You could code for any of a thousand other interesting projects around the world. But I bet you’d rather team with us, because what we’re making has never been done before, something that brings a brighter future for everybody.

If you feel interested in current open positions or if you are still in doubt, or even if you have any questions, please email me 24/7 at [email protected]. We hope to see you here soon!


p.s: If you still think your job title does not match with our open position ads, still send us your resume. We’re always happy to work with creative and intelligent people and may open a space for you! 

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