
The Positive Side of Medicine

Natural Treatments for Asthma

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Natural Treatments for Asthma

The health of the lungs and respiratory system is affected by the quality of the air we breathe and the effects of poor air quality are far-reaching.
Asthma is a condition in which the muscles of the bronchi contract in spasm, obstructing the flow of air and making breathing very difficult.

Asthma is mainly presented as feelings of breathlessness; this medical condition results in increased mucus production, narrowing the airways in your lungs. Infections, allergies, stress, anxiety, and stimuli such as dust, smoke, and cold can all trigger life-threatening asthma attacks.
Asthma must be treated medically, but can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle, which can strengthen your breathing passages and boost your body’s natural defenses. Try the following home remedies to sooth the symptoms and allergies that could be related to the asthma attacks.
Common ginger and stramonium may be used to treat asthma.

Natural Treatments for Asthma

Take 3 times a day an airway-soothing mixture of honey and horseradish.
Mix 2 tsp. of cider vinegar and 1 tsp. of honey in 1 cup of water and drink 3 times per day for 3 months.
Soak a cotton cloth in water at about 105 F, wring it out, and wrap it over your chest. Cover it with a dry cloth and rest in bed for 30 minutes.
Almond and ephedra may be prescribed to open the lungs.

asthma herbal relief

Take floral essences (rescue remedy) when you feel symptoms coming on, to ease them and prevent a full-blown attack
Increase your intake of vitamin B6, which is said to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.

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