
The Positive Side of Medicine

6 Major Enemies of Your Skin

enemies of your skin

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If you like to have a beautiful skin, you should know what are the friends of your skin and what are the enemies of your skin. The major enemies of your skin health are as following:

1- Stress: Stress is one of the major causes of premature aging in your skin.

2- Dehydration: Skin needs plenty of water. So dehydration causes wrinkles and lines in your skin. It’s better to drink couple of waters daily.

3- Fatty Foods: For having a healthier skin try to consume more and more veggies and fruits.

4- Pollution: Many chemicals cause harmful chain reactions in the skin. Having foods that contain loads of antioxidants can deplete these harmful reactions.

5- Smoking: There are more than 4000 toxins in the smoke of cigarettes. So exposure to this smoke, first hand or second hand, causes premature aging of your skin.

6- Sun exposure: Not only sun’s UV causes premature aging of skin, but also it may cause some forms of skin cancer.

{last Reviewed on October 22nd 2019 by Dr. Schei}

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