
The Positive Side of Medicine

Dan’s Weight Loss Story

Dan's weight loss story

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Dan Hawthorne talks about his weght-loss journey with South Hagerstown High School students.

“Hello. I believe our story can help many. I was over 600 lbs 11 months ago. I had fallen into a very bad place both mentally and physically. I was angry, depressed and very embarrassed at what I had become. I thought my time on this earth was just about over. I had a little hope, and faith, but it was dwindling fast. I had a mirror moment one late August evening. I wanted to hit that horrible thing looking back at me, and at the same time, I also wanted to hug him and apologies to him for what I had done to him. That moment started my journey. It took a lot of bad events to get me to that place, and I knew it would take everything I had to regain my life. Today as I type this letter, just 11 months later, i’m down over 260 pounds and well on my way to a healthier and much much better life. I talk to both college and high school classes with my friend and trainer Thomas, we host healthy living seminars and we do a daily internet radio show on a fitness station (FTNS.co). Yes, I said fitness station, who da thunk that one? I am so thankful to be alive. I want to share this journey with as many as I can. I see how my story has touched and helped many here locally. I know it’s now my job to take it further and help as many as I can. Life is amazing and it’s all about paying it forward for me now. Here are several links to my story. I hope to hear from you. have a fantastic day, and again, thank you for your time….Dan”

Dan’s Weight Loss Tips!

Weight loss tip #1:

Love yourself.

Weight loss tip #2:

Find your inner strength.

Weight loss tip #3:

Find support.

Weight loss tip #4:

Don’t be afraid to ask for help or ask questions.

Weight loss tip #5:

Set small goals.

Dan’s Weight Loss Eating Plan!


Couple of eggs, fresh fruit, water.


Big healthy salad, water.


Skinless, boneless chicken breast with broccoli, salad, water.

Snacks or Mini Meals:

Cashews, almonds, celery with natural peanut butter, banana, protein shake.

Dan’s Weight Loss Workouts!

Weight Training:

I workout with weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday is more up-tempo cardio work.


Bike, rowing machine, squats, ball slams, heavy ropes.

This video is a response to Robert Gibbs’s video asking for help. Robert is a 700 pounds 23 years old, who is suffering from food addiction. Watch Robert’s story here:

Dan and his trainer, Thomas Burge, broadcast their Internet radio program, “Getting My Life Back,” from 9 to 10 a.m. weekdays from the small press box at Hagerstown Community College. The show is available on FTNS radio, at ftns.com.

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