You Might Lose Your Partner If You’re Doing These Weird Things

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You Might Lose Your Partner If You're Doing These Weird Things

You Might Lose Your Partner If You’re Doing These Weird Things

Are you pushing your man away without even realizing it? While you may think you know best when it comes to keeping a guy happy, your women’s intuition may be completely wrong. Here are seven weird things women do that actually push men away:


1) Quit Watching Chick Flicks By Yourself

Romantic movies can be great for some solo time or a girls’ night, but consider watching your favorite Rom-Com with your guy instead. A University of Rochester study of 174 showed that couples who watched and discussed five relationship movies cut their three-year divorce rate from 24 percent to 11 percent. Inviting your guy to watch your favorite love story with you could be more effective (and cheaper) than couples therapy.

2) Stop Looking at Your Man’s Facebook Page

It’s so tempting to check out your guy’s Facebook page, especially when your relationship is new or when you’re missing him. However, the quick happiness boosts you get from seeing your guy’s Facebook updates could be hurting your relationship long term. A study by St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, TX showed that the more you keep tabs on your partner’s Facebook page, the more likely you are to develop some jealousy. Not the jealous type? The more time you spend on Facebook in general, the more likely you are to be tempted by an old flame or cute friend of a friend.

3) Don’t Take Out Your Phone When You Have Nothing to Say

Almost everyone knows that it’s rude to take out your phone on a first or second date, but it’s still damaging to your relationship to use your phone even when you’re more comfortable around your man. A study by Baylor University shows that “Phubbing” or “partner phone snubbing” causes conflict in relationships and can even lead to your partner feeling depressed. Avoid using your phone around your man whenever you can, even when there is a lull in the conversation. According to the Baylor study, just leaving your phone out can lead to relationship problems. The best way to keep your guy interested in you? Tuck your phone away in your purse for the evening.

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4) Never Apologize Via Text Message

While making amends is always a good idea in relationships, skip the text message apologise, even when they’re more convenient. A study by Brigham Young University found women who use text messages to have lower quality relationships. Save the apology for in person. Also, avoid making relationship decisions or working out problems over text message. According to the BYU study, these texting habits are as bad as apologizing via text.

5) Give Up on Date Night

Whenever a relationship starts to get in a rut, date night is often the first thing a couple tries. While many relationship experts recommend instituting a regular date night, author Laura Doyle disagrees. Laura Doyle argues that date nights can be a “chore” for your guy and that they “reek of control.” Instead of asking for a date night, Ms. Doyle recommends thanking your man for three things he’s done recently for you.

6) Put Away Your Credit Cards

Although it may seem like a good idea to charge that snazzy new date outfit, resisting shopaholic tendencies can help your relationship. A study by The Marriage Project showed that happier couples tend to have higher credit ratings. While an emergency fund may not be as glamorous as a designer dress, being fiscally responsible will show your guy that you’re a good long term bet.

7) Let Your Freak Flag Fly a Little

While you should avoid doing weird that drive your man away, you should also avoid being too normal – especially if the real you is anything but normal! A University of Iowa study shows that people prefer potential partners who are humble and real. There’s nothing weird about being honest and authentic!

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