Signs You Are A Facebook Junkie (and You Don’t Even Know About It)

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Signs You Are A Facebook Junkie:

The increased use of social networking, especially among young people, is a clear example of how easily we become addicted to new technology.
These statements are categorical, researchers say one of the negatives to overusing social networks is social isolation. This occurs when a person stimulates their virtual relationships instead of developing their personality in a real, physical environment. This situation is reflected by the extreme anxiety of some regarding their likes, posts, and status, being highly sensitive and overly conscious about what’s going on in the virtual world, with Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr contents their top priorities. They prefer to interact with virtual friends more than real people.


Another symptom of social media addiction with negative effects is that a person will experience acceptance on these networks, because they are designed to emphasize the positives in life, the bright side that is socially accepted that we feel comfortable showing. This can result in denial of our defects and the defects of others, creating relationships based on sensation-seeking or immediate satisfaction.

Those hooked on social networking continually update their profiles and pictures and are very conscious of comments and likes, and are more narcissistic and insecure than average, according to a recent study.
Researchers at the University of York, Canada, reveals how networking is the perfect retreat for people who meet these criteria, as it allows them to establish a large number of ‘hollow’ friends without having to maintain a real relationship with them. The findings show there is a positive relationship between levels of narcissism or low self-esteem detected by the test, and the number of times per day that students update on social networks, according to experts this is not a surprising fact, narcissism can be rooted in lack of self-esteem.

Finally, the research, which involved equal numbers of men and women, also showed how men are more likely to review the comments on your profile, while women perused uploaded pictures.

signs you are a facebook junkie 2

Symptoms of A Social Media Addict (Facebook junkie):

1- You are online all the time. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, you contribute live postings and comments about your day, your posts, and other posts. You don’t pay attention to the people that are with you, family or friends.

2- Walking or driving while looking at a mobile phone. Often the social media addict won’t realize he is crossing streets, driving, or acting strangely because of their addiction. Studies prove texting while driving can be fatal, dangerous for yourself and others,, maybe more than driving while intoxicated.

3- Posting everything that happens to you. See if this is familiar: the first time a friend eats sushi, he takes a selfie with the sushi, just to inform us. Sometimes people cut themselves, they’ll post a picture before bandaging. They assume others are interested in every detail of their lives.

4- Sleeping less. Do you procrastinate bedtime to be online?

The Myth Of Freedom From Facebook | Bianca Bosker
Five clues that you are addicted to Facebook. By  Elizabeth Cohen CNN Senior Medical Correspondent

By Andres Carvajal
Edited By Stephanie Dawson

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