
The Positive Side of Medicine

Visible and Hidden Signs of Breast Cancer

Visible and Hidden Signs of Breast Cancer

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Today, breast cancer is one of the most feared and common types of cancer among women, statistically, about 14% of cancers are breast cancer. It’s estimated that 232,670 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014.

It is important to learn about and understand our bodies, especially our breast anatomy and how it functions, so we can understand what changes are normal, and which are abnormal. Breasts are made of fatty and breast tissue, as well as nerves, veins, arteries, and connective tissue that helps hold everything in place. With aging, the look and function of the breast change.

Common Symptoms of Breast Cancer

1. The first and the most common sign of breast cancer is a LUMP IN THE BREAST .9% of these lumps are benign and confused with cysts. Breast cysts are sacs of fluid in the breast tissue, which are quite common.

2. A LUMP OR THICKENED AREA in either breast or in the underarm area, it can be detected by regular self-examination for breast cancer.

3. A CHANGE IN SIZE OR SHAPE of one or both breasts.

4. PAIN in either breast or armpit unrelated to your period.

5. DISCHARGES –Coming from either nipple, it may be bloody, or milky, if present when not breastfeeding you should be checked by a doctor right away.

6. DIMPLING – Dimpling or sunken skin on your breasts, often referred to as “orange-peel,” from the similarity of appearance

7. RASHES AND REDNESS – Rashes around your nipple. Redness or an enlarged underarm lymph node

This poster is one of the best illustrations that summarizes the visible and hidden signs of breast cancer:

12 Signs of Breast Cancer

A: Hardening

B: Pinching

C: Erosion

D: Red & Hot

E: New fluid

F: Dimpling

G: Puckering

H: Growing vein

I: Nipple retraction

J: Asymmetry

K: Orange skin

L: Invisible lump

In breast cancer the outcome depends on how soon the cancer is diagnosed. So it’s very important to do self-examination and encourage other women to do so too. This article shows how to do breast self-exam at home.

Edited by: Jessa (Feb. 24, 2019)

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