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How to Treat Chronic Fatigue Naturally

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How to Treat Chronic Fatigue Naturally

How to Treat Chronic Fatigue Naturally

how-to-treat-chronic-fatigue-naturallyFBThere is a problem in today’s society’s rhythm that we haven’t realized yet, our lifestyles compared to our ancestors have changed, but our bodies haven’t and that’s why a large portion of our population is feeling tired and stressed out, causing chronic fatigue.

This might be caused physiological by a block of the adrenal glands, caused mainly by excessive stress, nutritional deficiencies, stimulants and toxic metals and chemicals often play a large role in adrenal burnout, among many other reasons.

Adrenal glands play a significant role in the body, secreting more than 50 essential hormones necessary for life, which are responsible for many of the functions we need to stay alive and healthy, such as: Energy production – carbohydrate, protein and fat conversion to blood glucose for energy, fluid and electrolyte balance and fat storage.

how to treat chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue can be presented in many ways such as: Morning fatigue, feelings of sleepiness or clouded thinking from 2 to 4 p.m., burst of energy at 6 p.m., cravings for foods high in salt and fat, increased PMS or menopausal symptoms, mild depression, lack of energy, decreased ability to handle stress, muscular weakness, increased allergies, decreased $ex drive and frequent sighing among others.

How to Treat Chronic Fatigue Naturally

So, how can we treat this without the need of more chemical and artificial products? Very simple, if are completely willing to, you can fully live life again by making the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes to treat your disorder such as:

• Adopting a natural whole-foods diet
• Avoiding junk food
• Drinking high quality water, not from the tap. Distilled or spring waters are best
• Eating five to six servings of vegetables each day through juicing, making smoothies or adding them to your meals.
• Avoiding white flour and other processed grains
• Adding Himalayan salt to your diet, replacing your table salt
• Taking high quality fish oils
• Adding licorice root extract and kelp to your diet
• Doing a detox and using a sauna
• Replacing toxic chemical products used around the house with non-toxic alternatives
• Spending some time in the sun each day
• Doing something fun each day
• Getting lots of rest
• Laughing
• Exercising
• Minimizing stress
• Taking negative people out of your life

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How to Treat Chronic Fatigue Naturally
[Last Updated on June 4th 2014]

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