These 4 Things Happen Right Before a ‪‎Heart‬ Attack

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Try to think of your heart as the car battery of your body. It sustains its own electrical charge that allows it to act as a pump station for your blood. The blood then carries necessary oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. It is one of the five vital organs needed for survival, joining the brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs.

Warning Signs of an Impending Heart Attack

While our hearts may seem resilient, they are not invincible. Heart disease has emerged as a grave threat, claiming an alarming number of lives each year. It has rightfully earned the title of America’s number one killer, causing approximately 700,000 deaths annually.

One of the most terrifying consequences of living with heart disease is the risk of experiencing a heart attack. Contrary to what movies often portray, the symptoms can be subtler and more insidious. Recognizing these signs can potentially save lives and prompt timely intervention.

Here are four vital bodily signs that may indicate an impending heart attack:

1. Rapid and Irregular Heartbeat: While this symptom can be associated with anxiety, stimulant usage, or exertion, it becomes more concerning if experienced alongside other symptoms.

2. Chest Tightness: Survivors often describe this feeling as a constant squeeze, as if an elephant were perched upon their chest or an overwhelming sense of fullness.

3. Unusual Sweating: Cold sweats during a resting state, with clammy and cold skin, may serve as a warning sign of an imminent heart attack.

4. Sudden Fatigue: A rapid and unexplained loss of energy, particularly when combined with any of the previously mentioned symptoms, should not be ignored. It indicates that the body is not receiving the necessary oxygen it requires.

The heart is a vital organ that is unfortunately prone to many ailments. Many symptoms of a heart attack are shared symptoms with other disorders. The important thing to remember is that the body is capable of sending warning signs and when it does, we should listen.

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