
The Positive Side of Medicine

What Minerals You Really Need … and How to Get Them

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What Minerals You Really Need … and How to Get Them

What Minerals You Really Need … and How to Get Them

The components for eating a healthy diet have been getting more study and attention in the media. As lifestyles change, these components become more important to ensure that individuals eat a diet that provides the right nutrition for their needs. The daily requirements for minerals are easy to get if you consume the right foods.

Biotin supports the nerves, skin, metabolism and digestive system.
RDA: 30 micrograms per day for both men and women in adulthood.
One-quarter cup of almonds will provide 88 percent of your daily requirement of biotin.

Calcium is an important building block for healthy bones and teeth. It also aids in muscle and nerve function.
RDA: Adults, both male and female, should get 800 milligrams of calcium
One cup of yogurt provides 30 percent of your daily requirement.

What Are The Required Minerals Your Body Should Be Getting

Choline helps to support the nervous system and also aids in keeping cell membrane structures healthy.
RDA: 550 milligrams per day for adult men, 425 milligrams per day for women.
Four ounces of shrimp provide about 36 percent of your daily requirement of choline.

Chromium is known to be important for metabolizing fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
RDA: 35 micrograms of chromium per day, Females should get 25 micrograms.
One half-cup of broccoli provides 11 micrograms of chromium.

Copper is important for bone and tissue integrity and helps support energy.
RDA: 700 UGS per day for both men and women
One-quarter cup of cashews provides 98 percent of the daily requirement.

Fluoride protects teeth and builds healthy bone.
RDA: 0.1 to 0.5 milligrams for children, 4 milligrams for adult men, 3 milligrams for adult women.
Most communities provide fluoride protection in their water supplies.

Folate supports cell production and is particularly important for pregnant women.
RDA: 320 UGS per day for both men and women
One cup of lentils provides 90 percent of the daily requirement.

Iodine supports healthy thyroid hormone production.
RDA: 95 UGS per day for both men and women
Four ounces of scallops provide 90 percent of the daily requirement.

Iron facilitates oxygen transport throughout the body and supports energy production.
RDA: 6 milligrams per day for men, 8.1 milligrams for women.
One cup of spinach provides 36 percent of the daily requirement.

Manganese helps to support healthy skin, antioxidant protection and normal blood sugar levels.
RDA: 2 to 5 milligrams per day for adolescents and adults.
One cup of brown rice provides 88 percent of your daily requirement.

Magnesium helps the body to make energy, balance the nervous system, control inflammation and regulate blood sugar.
RDA: 350 milligrams per day for men, 265 milligrams per day for women
One-quarter cup of pumpkin seeds provides 48 percent of the daily requirement.

Niacin is important for the production of energy and also provides antioxidant protection to help prevent disease.
RDA: 12 milligrams per day for men, 11 milligrams per day for women
A 4-ounce portion of chicken can provide 97 percent of your daily requirement.


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