She Heals Her Varicose Veins Almost Immediate With This Old Recipe

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She Heals Her Varicose Veins Almost Immediate With This Old Recipe

She Heals Her Varicose Veins Almost Immediate With This Old Recipe

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Varicose veins are a fairly big issue for lots of women throughout the world. The problem is not only aesthetic in nature, but it can be a sign of poor health as well. Varicose veins are caused by weakened blood vessels, which usually result due to some external factor. It may be caused by excessive standing or sitting in a single position, or by repetitive bruising in a single area.

She Heals Her Varicose Veins Almost Immediate With This Old Recipe

Many medical professionals will shrug when you ask them for a treatment, but there is a simple home remedy that anyone can make with common kitchen ingredients. The recipe was originally created by a woman looking for her own solution to varicose veins, and she has since shared her secret with the rest of the world.

Varicose veins tend to develop in older people who either stand or sit for long periods of time, or those who wear shoes that aren’t comfortable, like high heels or flats. Anything that causes undue stress to the legs can cause varicose veins, which is basically a bundling of capillaries in areas that make them visible.

There are certain things you can put in your diet to help with varicose veins, but they are more preventative than healing. Things like vitamin C and animal protein help reduce the likelihood of varicose veins, while fatty acids and sugars should be avoided since they cause inflammation, which can lead to more varicose veins.

The woman who created the homemade remedy outlined here had experienced the condition for over 20 years. She had exhausted every other option she could find, including doctor prescribed creams and ointments that did nothing but empty her bank account. She finally learned the secret, which involved her special formula blended with an appropriate lifestyle based on proper movement and attire. She started wearing flip-flops since they were good for circulation and balance, and she kept an eye on her standing and sitting habits.

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The real secret to her success is in the formula she concocted to combat her varicose veins. The recipe is quite simple, but it took her some time to perfect. Once you know the recipe, you don’t even really need to record it anywhere. It is that simple. The ingredients are listed below:

0.5 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
0.5 cup Aloe Vera Gel
0.5 cup Chopped Carrots

Making the remedy is as simple as mixing these ingredients and blending them until they form a smooth paste. You could obviously make more or less of this recipe depending on how much you anticipate you’ll need since the ingredients are all in equal amounts. You can double or halve the amounts of each ingredient to control your output.

Once the paste is ready, it should be applied to the area with the varicose veins until the veins are covered. If necessary, you can use a bandage to keep the area covered. The mixture should be left on the skin for 30 minutes, then rinsed away with water. If you keep your legs elevated while the remedy is working, it will be more effective. This treatment should be used everyday for maximum efficacy, but you’ll notice a change right away.

This remedy works because carrots are heavy in antioxidants, which is nourishing to the skin. Aloe Vera gel has anti-infammatory properties, and it can reduce pain from burning or stinging. Apple cider vinegar works as a blood thinner, which helps the varicose veins avoid blood clots. The combination of these ingredients in equal parts unlocks each of their latent properties all at once, which drastically fights the symptoms of varicose veins.

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