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That Dot on Your Iris Keeps Bad News, Sorry…

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That Dot on Your Iris Keeps Bad News, Sorry...

That Dot on Your Iris Keeps Bad News, Sorry…

Spot on your iris? The study of iridology says this may be a bad sign for your health. Iridology is the science of finding health problems by looking at the iris of the eye. Eyes are the window to the soul, but now doctors are finding they can be the window to the body too.

History of Iridology

There are lots of problems that can be found by looking at the eye. Some problems, like glaucoma, are primarily diagnosed based on the eyes. Others use the state of the eye as a supporting factor. Iridology has been a theory since the mid-17th century. It is not formally recognized by most professionals. Many doctors recognize that it may be helpful to identify issues.

How Does it Work?

In iridology, having the spots in your iris are called psora spots. They can be red, green, or brown and usually show the level of toxins in the body. These toxins enter the body through either the environment or through prescription medications. According to Dr. Bernard Jensen, you can tell what part of the body has toxins based on where the spot is in the iris.

Dr. Jensen created a chart that might help you diagnose where the toxins are in your body on your own. This is very convenient, but it is hard to do it without any experience at all. It may be a good idea to go with a licensed practitioner instead. The chart is fun to try at home but a doctor will be able to recognize any bigger issues than toxins.

For example, what you may mistake for psoric spotting may actually be iris melanoma. Iris melanoma looks like a very large psoric spot but is much more dangerous. You can ask about iridology at your next eye check-up if you prefer. Eye exams are recommended at least once a year. During these exams doctors check for abnormalities in the iris as well as deep inside the eye.

Reducing the Size of Psoric Spots

With proper diagnosis and safe detoxing, you can reduce the size of the spot. Eventually, it can even disappear completely. The key to reducing these spots is doing it gradually and safely. Diet and nutrition are very important for maintaining good health. The results of a good diet and detox will show up in your iris!


The Dangers of Detoxing

There are many safe detoxes available, but you should be aware of what makes a detox bad for your body. Unhealthy detoxes usually require fasting. Fasting actually slows down the metabolic rate, which means it will make you gain weight faster when you starting eating again.

It also usually only gets ride of water weight, which means you will gain the weight back very quickly. As a detoxing tool, fasting does not work. Avoid detoxes that tell you not to eat any food! If you want to try an all-liquid diet, make sure that the juices have all the nutrients your body needs. You can always add another juice to make up for places where they are lacking.

Safe and Healthy Detoxing Ideas

Aside from reducing psoric spots, detoxing has a lot of positive effects. They can help you lose weight, get rid of acne, and help you sleep better. There’re many diet plans to help you detoxify your body naturally. But if you want to try detoxing without a diet change, there are actually a few other ways.

You can try clay baths, deep breathing exercises, skin brushing, or exercise!

The spots in your eyes are probably a health indicator. While iridology is not backed by mainstream medical associations, it can be a good tool to find where your body needs detoxing. Be healthy and be safe!

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