Dear Women! Stop Constantly Doing Things Your Vagina Hates

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Dear Women! Stop Constantly Doing Things Your Vagina Hates

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Taking proper care of your honey pot is incredibly important to ensure bacteria doesn’t enter. There is a variety of products available on the market that claim to improve the health and stop odors from occurring in the female genitals. Unfortunately, many of these products do more harm than good. Take care of your health with these tips.

Dear Women! Stop Constantly Doing Things Your Honey Pot Hates


Several celebrities have come out and said that they have benefited from steaming their genital region. The process involves sitting on a stool while a steaming container of mugwort tea combined with wormwood and other herbs is placed under the honey pot. The idea behind the Chinese practice is that the steam enters the body, cleaning the honey pot and uterus and keeps infections away. Gynecologists, however, caution against the practice. There is no scientific evidence that backs up these claims and the hot steam could cause burns in the honey pot and vulva.


The honey pot is amazing in that it not only expands enough to fit an entire baby during birth, but it also cleanses itself. Many women use douches, products that use water and cleaners, to clean out their honey pot. Doctors recommend that women never use douches. They can cause infection, lead to infertility and have been linked to $** transmitted infections. The only part that should be regularly cleaned is the skin on the outside of the honeypot, which is the vulva. Always wipe from front to back when using the restroom and cleanse the vulva gently by just using warm water in the shower.

Scented Soaps and Detergents

Many women, especially teenagers, have experienced irritation, soap-caused vag!it is and urinary tract infections due to using scented soaps and detergents. The chemicals that give soap its wonderful scent may irritate the sensitive skin of the honey pot and vulva. Additionally, soap is designed to break up oils that protect the skin and may cause dryness. When the helpful natural lining of the honey pot and vulva is removed due to using soap, irritation and infection may occur. Always just use warm water when cleaning your genitals during the shower.


Several years ago, genital piercing became very popular. Unfortunately, it can be a very bad thing when it comes to honey pot health. Though the procedure can be done correctly, it is unregulated in most states. This makes it difficult to know if the piercing facility is using proper techniques and clean tools to do the piercing. The piercing can cause irritation, may rip or get caught on clothing and may allow bacteria and infection to enter the genital area.

Self-Medicating with Essential Oils

There are many natural remedies for honey pot problems; unfortunately, essential oils shouldn’t be one of them. Doctors report patients coming into the office with burns, infections, and irritation from using essential oils to remedy honey pot problems. Because the honey pot is self-cleansing, it doesn’t need help from outside oils or products to keep it clean. Essential oils are also very strong on their own and should never be applied directly to sensitive areas, such as the genitals.

Helpful Tips for Good Honey Pot Health

Now that you know what you shouldn’t do, try these tips to keep your honey pot healthy and free from bacteria and infections.

Eat Yogurt and Probiotics

The probiotics in yogurt and in capsule-form bring healthy bacteria to the honey pot. When bad bacteria take over the good bacteria in the honey pot, yeast infections often result. Taking probiotic supplements and eating yogurt can keep the balance of bacteria on the good side and keep yeast infections away.


Drink Cranberry Juice

The acidity in cranberries is helpful in flushing out the bad bacteria that enters the honey pot and urinary tract, keeping urinary tract infections away. If you can stomach it, drink eight ounces of no-sugar-added juice each day. If it’s too bitter for you to drink, try taking cranberry supplements instead.


Putting it into your honey pot is a big no-no because it will cause irritation. Eating garlic every day, however, can keep your honey pot healthy. Garlic contains allicin, which is a natural antibiotic. Allicin will help to keep the bacteria in the honey pot balanced and will help to prevent infections from occurring.

Kegel Exercises

Kegels, which are done by squeezing your honey pot like you are trying to stop the flow of urine, can help strengthen the honey pot walls and pelvic floor muscles. Kegels should be done each day by holding each Kegel for five seconds and repeating 15 to 20 times per session.


Yoga exercises also work to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for supporting the bladder, uterus, and honey pot. The exercise Mula bandha is especially helpful if you suffer from incontinence.

Take care of your health and your honey pot with these tips. Doing so will help to prevent infection, irritation, and bacteria that will harm your honey pot.

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Dear Women! Stop Constantly Doing Things Your Honey Pot Hates

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