5 Weird Things Your Body Does That You Have No Idea About

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5 Weird Things Your Body Does That You Have No Idea About

The-most-incredible-things-the-human-body-does-that-people-have-no-idea-about interesting things that the body has evolved to do that it can be difficult to figure out
interesting functions that the body can do – and you probably wouldn’t have ever guessed!

Everyone has heard of some odd things that the body can do. Some of them are even weirder than others. There are so many interesting things that the body has evolved to do that it can be difficult to figure out what is causing your pain, aches, or the growling stomach. However, here are five particularly interesting functions that the body can do – and you probably wouldn’t have ever guessed

Migraine sufferers may have an ability to sense extreme weather before the weatherman.

The weather changes can cause chemical imbalances in the brain. One of these chemicals is serotonin, which helps in sleep patterns. The pain in the head could also be a way to prompt the person to seek shelter during harsh weather patterns.

Do not ignore the growling of your stomach.

You didn’t overeat – you underrate! The growling that you hear when your stomach decides to make noise is usually made when your stomach muscles contract and churn the digestive juices found in the stomach. This is a prepping action – your stomach wants food.

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If you don’t know what the epiglottis is.

it’s a little flap of muscle that helps to prevent choking. When it stops a quick breath by closing when your diaphragm contracts involuntarily, you get a hiccuping noise. Holding your breath and allowing the carbon dioxide to build up for a few seconds allows the diaphragm to catch its breath, metaphorically speaking.

Ever had to use the restroom at night?

Usually, if you have to, you don’t go number two. Some medical conditions can cause your bladder to fill up quicker than usual, as can drinking too much water before you go to sleep. Emptying your colon, on the other hand, will have to wait until morning. This happens because the neurons that influence when your colon is emptied are controlled by your circadian rhythm – the internal clock that lets you know when it’s the sun up or lights out.

Ever gagged on room temperature coffee?

Thought you would like it but found it to be horrible for one reason or another? That’s because your taste buds are much more sensitive to room temperature food than too hot food. The aroma of the food can also change when it’s piping hot – such as making the food you hate to smell like something you love or vice versa. Hot coffee may smell less bitter and, therefore, taste less bitter than room temperature coffee.

RELATED ARTICLE: What Your Cold Hands And Feet Might Be Telling You

These interesting facts are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to funky body science. There are other things that can be explored in-depth, and they have been.

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