Don’t Waste Your Time (And Money) on These 3 Supplements

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Don't Waste Your Time (And Money) on These 3 Supplements

We’re a bit crazy for supplement pills. We hear about one that supposed to work super special awesome good from a friend or a co-worker who heard it from their friend or co-worker. Before we know it we’re on the internet looking up suppliers that sell this super special awesome good supplement with priority shipping — hey, we need it as soon as humanly possible.

Don't Waste Your Time (And Money) on These 3 Supplements

But hold it


Sometimes we jump the gun and end up buying a supplement that actually doesn’t work like magic and is instead just a dud. Or worse, it could be unregulated and have side effects our pesky friend or co-worker forgot to mention.

We don’t want to risk our health and we also don’t want to burn our cash on supplements that are all slogan and no action, so here are 3 supplements that sound amazing but are actually more pain for your buck.

1. Green Coffee Bean extract

You’ve heard the buzz — maybe even seen a few of your friends rave about it. Most coffee supplements are extremely cheap. They’re supposed to help melt fat from the first pill you digest. And the Green Bean Coffee Extract has now been around for quite some time and can be picked up (virtually) everywhere.

What you actually get instead?

A pill that (scientifically) doesn’t do much in the way of weight loss. Only a small number of people were tested while taking the Green Bean Coffee Extract but the study was created by the product manufacturer.

Doesn’t mean it isn’t true but also sounds a tad shady, don’t you think?

Truth is, we’re not too sure what could happen to our bodies with long-term use of this extract. But even if you want to go ahead and try it, don’t take too many pills. There is still coffee in these extracts which could lead to:

Upset Stomach
Increased heart rate
Increased breathing rate
Ringing in the ears
Irregular heartbeats
Calcium deficiencies
Magnesium depletion
Worsened bleeding disorders
Flushed face
Muscle tension
Trouble concentrating

Yes, quite the list. You may just want to skip it entirely.

2. African Mango diet pill

Similar to the Green Coffee Bean extract, the African Mango diet pill can be found everywhere online. It’s been available for years and said to be another “miracle weight loss” cure. It also has a ton of variations on the shelf. It’s no miracle worker but it may help you out… for a bit.

Studies in the Journal of Dietary Supplements showed there really wasn’t much scientific proof backing up claims that the African Mango pill directly causes weight loss. In fact, they say it “could not be recommended as a weight loss aid”.

But at least doesn’t have extreme or life threatening side effects, so there’s that.

If you do decide to try them just for the hype, realize that there’s no telling if the pounds you lose (if any) using this supplement will be long term. And it can get a bit on the pricey side depending on where you buy it too.

Also be weary that many online sellers try to attach big name fitness and health companies as endorsers for the African Mango diet pill to get more customers to buy. Honestly, if it works as fabulously as promised the sellers shouldn’t have to fake name associations.

3. Any supplement with Dinitrophenol (DNP)

It’s surprising how many supplements and diet pills actually have this toxic industrial chemical in its list of ingredients. A 21-year-old woman, Eloise Perry, passed away recently from consuming slimming tablets containing DNP. Once ingested there was nothing that could’ve been done to save her.

It’s been around forever (well, since 1938 at least when it was first banned in the U.S due to severe side effects) but continue to make rounds as the decades pass. How? Because using DNP is illegal in North America, the U.K, and Australia but selling it isn’t.

The cosmic loophole.

It’s promised to be the ultimate fat burner — and it is. But you’ll probably die before seeing the results you want.

After taking a supplement, you may feel sweaty or feverish. Sweat can be good, for sure. But in this case, the DNP can raise your temperature so high you could get lethal hyperthermia.

Worth the risk? No.

Skip this one? Yes. Absolutely yes.

Don't Waste Your Time (And Money) on These 3 Supplements

Kiesha Frue is a freelance writer from Ontario, Canada. She’s an advocate of mental health and loves soaking in all the knowledge that
can about healthy living. When she’s not writing about the newest health products and remedies, she’s catching up on the latest fantasy books and jamming out to 90s songs.

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