10 Habits Of People Who Lost Over 25 Pounds And Kept It Off

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10 Habits Of People Who Lost Over 25 Pounds And Kept It Off

10 Habits Of People Who Lost Over 25 Pounds And Kept It Off

1. Drinking like a fish
One of the easiest ways to keep off those extra pounds is by giving your body enough water to regularly keep flushing those unnecessary calories out of your system. Drink a lot and drink regularly all throughout the day.

2. Maintaining your fitness schedule
Exercise isn’t just a way to lose weight; it’s also a way to keep it off. You won’t need to worry about sticking to the exercise routine religiously, but try to take the stairs, park at the back of the lot, or even go for a light jog whenever you have time.

3. Facing fears with scheduled cheat days
A permanent change to your diet is a great way to lose weight, but if you’re miserable, you’ll start to relapse. Give yourself a cheat day once a week or once every two weeks to give your will power a safe, scheduled break.

10 Habits Of People Who Lost Over 25 Pounds And Kept It Off

4. Progress reports
Try to chart your weight progress daily or at least once every week. It’s easy to add 10 pounds if you’re not sure where you’re sitting on at least a weekly basis.

5. Getting your beauty sleep
Getting a full night’s sleep is one of the best ways to maintain proper health and also give yourself the willpower to get through the next day. It’s easy to motivate yourself when you’re on top of your game, but it’s a different story if you’re exhausted.

6. Add some spice
Eating unhealthy food is so easy because it tastes so good. If you find your “health food” to be a bland replacement for your fattier diet, try experimenting with different spices and seasonings to give your healthier meals an added kick of flavor.

7. No more soda
Sodas are incredibly unhealthy and can cause significant weight gain even while eating 100% nutritious food. Try to cut this out completely or at least keep it available only on cheat days.

8. Take up a new hobby
It can be easy to keep the weight off in you’re in the right frame of mind, but what happens when you aren’t? Eating when you’re sad, exhausted, or depressed is a common remedy, so try to pick up a new hobby so you’ll have other avenues to go down when needing to de-stress yourself.

9. Keep a healthy pantry
Cleansing your body starts with cleansing your stockroom. Keep the unhealthy food out of sight so it’ll stay well out of mind.

10. Throw away the old clothes
If you’ve gone down a size, then celebrate by throwing away your now-larger clothing. You won’t need them anymore. Having nowhere to turn once your current stock of clothing starts getting a little snug is a great barrier to put up between yourself and your body weight.

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