Heart Melting Must See Acts of Kindness
Never thought that I’d get this emotional over a video , but I did. Let me wipe the tears from my face. A little help goes a long way!
Random acts of kindness are a means by which we make a deliberate attempt to brighten another person’s day by doing something thoughtful, nice, and caring for them. Kindness is a way of showing others that they count and that even in the face of hostility and selfishness, you’re making a stand for kindness.
Even the smallest act of kindness can make a difference in someone’s day. And sometimes it’s the smallest gestures that have the greatest impact on someone.
By doing kind acts for others, you’re helping to create kindness-aware communities that value generosity of spirit, action and kindness toward others as essential parts of a healthy community.
Wouldn’t we all benefit from a world filled with acts of kindness and generosity?!
Let’s make it our mission to bring the Good out of people and lead by example starting from today. A little help goes a long way. People don’t forget help in times of need. Please, do something nice for someone today, even if it’s giving up your seat on the subway. Sometimes, that’s all it takes. And your life could be a little different. Who knows, unless you do it.
[Last Updated on May 29th 2014]