How to Deal with The Jealous Partner

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How to Deal with The Jealous Partner

How to deal with the Jealous Partner

One common cause of break-ups is intra-relationship jealousy. Jealousy is like a fungus in any relationship, and if not tackled effectively it can destroy it. Sometimes one partner will try to dominate the relationship. Some people will not let their partners go out without them because they are insecure, others try to control small things like their partners’ clothing.

How to deal with the Jealous Partner

Here are some techniques for effectively handling jealousy:

1. Look for causes of jealousy

Jealousy often begins with one partner’s insecurity. Some possible reasons for that: your partner feels they are not lovable or are not getting the attention they deserve. Its important to talk to your partner and discuss what is letting jealousy begin and how to eradicate these negative feelings.

2. Realize the problem

Do not think that jealousy is sign of how much your partner cares for you. Help your partner realize that it is a problem. Jealousy is often a sign of selfishness and should be taken seriously. Assure your partner that you will help them lose this relationship-ruining emotion.

3. Listen

Communication is key to any successful relationship. Its important to talk to your partner about what is bothering them. When talking to your partner pay attention and focus on what they have to say. Listening to your partner and urging them to speak from their heart will help you get to the root of the problem which will make problem solving easier.


4. Develop a jealousy code

This is relatively new and might sound strange but is worth trying. Agree on a sign with your partner that can work whenever jealousy becomes a problem. It can be a body language sign or a gesture that only you and your partner are aware of. It acts like a danger alert and will let your partner know that they need your support.

5. Avoid being overfriendly with others

Some people enjoy their partner’s jealous and deliberately do things to provoke them. This might help an immediate need for attention but in the long run it will make the situation worse. Stop being overfriendly with other people, maintain a respectful distance. Avoid flirting and stay committed to your partner. Don’t ignore or be rude to others, be friendly within boundaries of respect for your mate.

Be open with your partner

6. Be open with your partner

Try not to hide anything from your partner. Hiding things ignites tension in the relationship. Be open with your partner and avoid lying. Be open about your feelings to avoid arguments and differences. If you are sending emails or texts you need to delete before your partner sees them you are doing something wrong. Stop now.

7. Get help

Sometimes jealousy gets out of control. In these situations you can get help from marriage or relationship counselors. Experts deal with relationship problems on a daily basis and have a professional approach towards eradicating them.
If you have tried everything and nothing is working it might be better to walk away from that relationship as it will be difficult for both of you to survive in relationship cursed with jealousy.

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