Homemade Anti aging Masks- Do This Once A Week and Take FIVE Years Off Your Look!!
Fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots are signs of aging in your skin and sometimes it can be difficult to slow them. As we age, our face and skin start losing glow and texture. The anti-aging creams available often contain chemicals which can have side effects on the skin. Not every skin type reacts well to general creams. Here we offer a few homemade anti aging masks that are natural, affordable and you can easily prepare at home:
Anti aging Mask #1: Egg pack
Eggs are a super-food that contains elements to slow the aging process, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and zinc. Egg yolks contain a compound called biotin known for its anti-aging properties and repairs damaged skin and wrinkles. It tightens loose skin giving your face a natural glow. To prepare an egg pack follow these steps:
• One Tablespoon egg white
• Add half teaspoon cream and a few drops of lemon juice
• Mix in a bowl to make a creamy pack
Apply to your face and let it remain for 15 minutes, rinse with water, repeat alternate days for glowing, younger-looking skin.
[If you have dry skin, use egg yolk. If you have oily skin use white oil]

Anti aging Mask #2: Potato facelift
Potatoes are an effective food for slowing the aging process and can be used for a natural lift. Slice one potato thinly and place on your face for 20-25 minutes. Then wash your face with lukewarm water. The compounds in potatoes help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and make your skin clearer. This one is my favorite: You can mash a medium-size cooked potato and combine it with a tablespoon of yogurt. If you have a dry skin, add a teaspoon of coconut oil which has amazing benefits for your skin.
Anti aging Mask #3: Cocoa butter and honey cream
This is a simple and effective cream. Mix 1 Tablespoon cocoa butter with half Tablespoon dark organic honey. Add 2 drops each sesame and apricot oil. Mix thoroughly to a thick creamy texture. Apply this cream to your face and leave 30 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Your skin will be soft and beautiful.
Anti aging Mask #4: Yogurt pack
Yogurt is a rich source of vitamin A, an essential element for anti-aging. Eating yogurt removes wrinkles from your face making it glow. For application try the following:
Mix one Tablespoon raw honey with 2 Tablespoons plain yogurt, add 1 Tablespoon lemon juice and a little bit of turmeric powder. Mix and apply to your face. You can the contents of a vitamin E capsulet if desired. Leave this cream on your face for 10-15 minutes then rinse off with warm water.