Homemade Yarrow Tincture for Cuts and Sores

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Homemade Yarrow Tincture for Cuts and Sores

When the surface of the skin is damaged it can result in an infection, and the surrounding area become red and sore.

An infected cut or open sore could be a sign of a serious bacterial infection called MRSA. While many skin infections are mild, MRSA is resistant to a number of antibiotics and can even be fatal if left untreated. You can catch it by touching or brushing against an infected area on someone’s skin.

Homemade Yarrow Tincture for Cuts and Sores

Make a poultice of cabbage leaves by crushing them with a pestle and mortar to release the beneficial juices. Apply to the affected area to draw out the infection and aid healing. Yarrow is also very beneficial in the treatment of cuts and sores. Make your own yarrow tincture, which can be diluted one part to ten parts water. Soak a cloth in the liquid and bathe the wound with it.


1. Pick the flowering tops of the yarrow plant, white ones only, when in bloom.
2. Fill, but don’t stuff, a jar, with the coarsely chopped herbs.
3. Fill jar to the top with alcohol such as organic vodka.
4. Cap tightly. The yarrow tincture will be ready to use in six weeks.

SOURCE: Natural Remedies, Melissa Corkhill, 2011

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