
The Positive Side of Medicine

Weight loss as you Eat!

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Weight loss as you Eat!

There is actually a way you can experience weight loss while eating, you just have to choose the right super-foods that help you shed extra pounds!

1. Pears- One pear packs 15% of your daily recommended amount of fiber which helps you feel full and keeps you from overeating. Eat one pear for a snack or before any meal, and you’ll eat fewer calories during the day without even trying.

burn fat

2. Almonds- one handful of almonds daily will help zap the fat from your body.


3. Chocolate- OK, don’t get too excited and buy a huge chocolate bar, about one ounce a day is the recommended serving. Pure dark  chocolate is packed with antioxidants that prevent accumulation of fat cells.


4. Grapefruit- Grapefruits have a compound that helps regulate insulin, a fat-storage hormone, that helps you lose weight, you don’t even have to change your diet, just eat one-half of this delicious fruit before every meal and you’ll see the results faster than you thought possible.

burn fat

5. Navy beans- Fill your plate with this insulin resistant starch-rich food, a powerful fat burner.

burn fat

Source: http://www.health.com/health/article/0,,20410136_last,00.html


Edited 7/30/14 SCD

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