7 Non Yogurt Snacks That Improve Digestion
By PositiveMed-Team
Edited By Stephanie Dawson
• Whole Grains
Whole grain foods like whole wheat bread, brown rice, and oats help digestion as they are a good source of fiber. We should ideally consume 20-30 grams of fiber in our daily diet. Fiber helps lower cholesterol levels and can help us feel full. It should be consumed slowly as it may cause gas, bloating, and other problems. People with celiac disease or gluten intolerance should strictly avoid wheat grains.
• Foods high in water
Your digestive health is encouraged in multiple ways by fruits and vegetables with high water content. Water is important to the metabolic process and it helps to move material through the digestive tract. A high-fiber diet demands water as fiber can’t function properly without it. Urinary tract health is promoted by foods high in water, known as low-calorie high-volume foods. They are generally easy to digest and provide satiety through a lower number of calories.
• Hot beverages that soothe your insides
Various gastrointestinal complaints have been solved by chamomile and other teas for centuries. You can get much better sleep with the help of this herb and it has a sedating effect on the digestive tract which leads to reduced symptoms of reflux, cramping, abdominal pain, and nausea and vomiting. Its best consumed as tea.
• Kefir
There is beneficial bacteria in our gut that helps the digestive system function properly. Kefir is a good source of beneficial bacteria. Its close to being yogurt, but technically is not. Milk combined with a complex mixture of yeasts and lactobacillus bacteria form kefir whereas yogurt is created by adding lactic acid bacteria to milk.
• Ginger
Ginger is known to reduce nausea and vomiting and is effective at relaxing the digestive tract. It allows food to pass through comfortably without getting caught. For full potency a tea can be made from ginger root, adding honey will make it even more beneficial. Ginger can be consumed by other means as a spice or in candy.
• Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds are often served as a post-meal digestive and breath freshener in India. Fennel seeds are a rich source of dietary fiber, 39.8 grams of fiber are in 100 grams of fennel seeds. Most of this is metabolically inert insoluble fiber which absorbs water throughout the digestive system, helping to increase food bulk and easing constipation.
• Sunchokes
These homely little tubers are a good source of probiotics and taste like artichoke-flavored potatoes. They help maintain healthy bacterial balance in the stomach leading to a healthy digestive system. The insulin fiber in sunchokes works a little too well in some people. If you are sensitive to apples try sunchokes sliced and baked as chips.