
The Positive Side of Medicine

About the Daniel Fast

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About the Daniel Fast

When this fast was mentioned I immediately had a feeling of foreboding, I don’t know what I expected but I was wrong. This fast seems to be nutritionally sound, healthy, and does not tout itself as a magic cure-all, in fact, it’s primary use is to draw closer to God. I think if you are using this just to lose weight you will be missing out on an important tenet of the plan. The part that most earned my respect is that, while you can certainly buy books and related material for a reasonable price, the important parts, the diet itself and the devotions, are free of charge. This is done as a spiritual journey, which is rather awesome. I will be giving you a list of allowed foods and foods to avoid, but I do not recommend doing this without checking them out for yourself, and signing up for the full 21 day program.

Allowed Foods:

  • All fruits
  • All vegetables
  • All whole grains
  • All nuts and seeds
  • All legumes
  • All quality oils
  • Beverages – water
  • Other – tofu, soy products, vinegar, spices, seasonings, salt, herbs

Foods to Avoid:

  • All meat and animal products
  • All dairy
  • All sweeteners
  • All leavened bread
  • All refined and processed foods
  • All deep fried foods
  • All solid fats
  • coffee, tea, alcohol, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, herbal teas

Some people have physical detox symptoms such as headache, fatigue, leg cramps, etc. If you have any concerns please talk to your health care professional. Any good fast should be beneficial, not harmful. The next time this is written about here will probably be if I decide to do it myself, I am intrigued.

Sources: http://www.daniel-fast.com/


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