
The Positive Side of Medicine

Tomato and avocado Grilled Cheese

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Tomato and avocado Grilled Cheese

Sandwiches are the perfect quick meal that lets you use creativity and it takes no longer than 5 minutes, you can put anything you want into two pieces of whole wheat bread which provide filling fiber, here is a delicious idea for a quick yet delicious sandwich that combines the exquisite flavor of cheese and avocado, which adds healthy monounsaturated fats and a punch of antioxidants while tomato adds a dose of lycopene, and you can add extra olive oil that provides heart-healthy fats, yep this sandwich does have it all. Tomato and Avocado Grilled Cheese

All you need is:

1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
2 slices whole wheat bread
2 slices sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 avocado, sliced
1/2 tomato, sliced


You probably know sandwiches are extremely easy to do, turn stove to medium-low heat; meanwhile brush the bread with olive oil. Assemble the sandwich…bread, cheese, avocado, tomato, cheese, and cook for about 2 minutes, or until cheese melts, flip and cook on the other side.  Serve hot and enjoy your amazing tomato and avocado grilled cheese!

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