
The Positive Side of Medicine

He Ran Away from Home 20 Years Ago to Avoid Chemo and He’s Still Cancer Free

He Ran Away from Home 20 Years Ago to Avoid Chemo and He's Still Cancer Free

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Cancer can be devastating, but sometimes the treatments for cancer can be just as bad as the disease itself. A Massachusetts teenager named Billy Best discovered that firsthand after going through five chemo treatments in the 1990s. He reached a point where he was determined to not suffer any more of the excruciating treatments. He decided that he should be in charge of his cancer treatment, not his doctors or his parents. He was so determined that he sold most of his belongings to buy a bus ticket and ran away. Running away to avoid chemo turned out to be a great decision. The alternative treatment he discovered rid him of his cancer and he is still cancer free to this day.

He Ran Away from Home 20 Years Ago to Avoid Chemo and He's Still Cancer Free

After he ran away, Billy’s parents and authorities tried to find him. The story also got a lot of nationwide media attention. Billy managed to avoid being discovered for a while. He ended up in Texas where he stayed with some new skateboarding friends. When someone did realize who he was, Billy agreed to return to his parents. His only condition was that they had to agree to let him use alternative treatments instead of chemotherapy. Along with his parents, Billy looked at the variety of alternative cancer treatment options and chose 714-X and Essiac Tea.

714-X Developed by Gaston Naessens, 714-X is a homeopathic drug that works by delivering nitrogen to cancer cells. This helps to fire up the immune system to rid the body of toxins. It’s not available in the US, so Billy went to Canada to get the drug. He administered by self-injection for six months, even though his cancer was gone only a few months in. He also continues to do booster injections of 714-X a few times a year to boost his immune system.

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Essiac Tea This herbal tea was developed by nurse Rene Caisse and is made from a special blend of organic herbs. Billy continues to drink 4 ounces of Essiac tea each day since he believes it helps to boost his immune system. Essiac is available in Canada as a dietary supplement, but cannot be promoted as a cure anywhere in the world. There is no scientific evidence that Essiac can help cure cancer, but many patients like Billy swear by it. Testimonials like Billy’s suggest that science just hasn’t caught up yet.

In addition to 714-X injections and daily Essiac tea, Billy tries to remain active and healthy. He eats a balanced, healthy diet. He skateboards for both exercise and fun. Billy says that today “he feels better than he has ever felt.” He is now using his amazing story of beating cancer on his own terms to help others. He has written a book about his story. He participates in discussions at medical schools about alternative medicine and patient choice. He also consults with parents who have kids in the situation he was once in.

It’s been two decades since young Billy Best ran away from home. He was sick and scared when he left. Now, he is cancer free and confident. It was a drastic choice to run away from home and say no to chemotherapy, but it worked for him. Even though his choices won’t necessarily lead to a cure for everyone, his story can inspire us all.


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