6 Guys Confess Things They’ll Never Do Before Lovemaking Session Again

6 Guys Confess Things They'll Never Do Before Lovemaking Session Again

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Some people, especially men, feel the need to enhance their experiences when it comes to getting it on using whatever means necessary. There are a number of things men never fail to do before a lovemaking session such as giving themselves a pep talk. However, they will occasionally step way outside the boundaries of their getting down routines, in which cases they usually bomb in the bedroom. Six guys learned these lessons the hard way and were brave enough to share their resulting failures with the world. The following is as explained by the six about what they would never try again before getting it on.

1. Getting tipsy
As David explains, he used to drink a lot prior to every lovemaking session, and it was always fine. However, it seems like age finally caught up with him, especially since he can no longer perform if he is drunk. His situation escalated to the point where his girlfriend uses it as a cue. Whenever she tells him to refrain from drinking too much, even when it is still early in the night, it usually means she wants to do it later.

2. Not packing protection
As Robert explains, there was this one time when he was just about to hook up with this particularly attractive girl. However, when she asked him if he had protection, he discovered that for some reason, he did not. And so he took off on a mission to find a pack of condoms. Unfortunately, the mission took over 30 minutes, and the beautiful girl was fast asleep by the time he got back to her place. Since she did not hear him buzzing her apartment, he slowly walked home having missed what he thinks would have been an incredible experience.

3. Last-minute manscaping
Ascher explains that he has learned not to ever shave his junk at a time too close to his next lovemaking session. It is a lesson well learned albeit in the harshest of ways. He once cut his pubic hair on the same day he was planning to get some, which as it happened he did. Unfortunately for him, the friction in his pubic area as a result of going at it combined with the sweat, really stung.

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4. Not using the restroom
As Scott explains, not using the restroom well before getting it on ranks among the greatest mistakes he ever made in relation to physical affections. He once had to stop midway to take a pee after having initially ignored the urge in the heat of the moment. On top of the fact that peeing with a boner is not pleasant, it also killed the momentum completely. To date, Scott always pees well before it is time to get some, regardless of whether or not he feels like going.

5. Popping pills
As Kevin explains, he is never taking Viagra again before a lovemaking session, at least not until he absolutely has to. The first time he tried it felt cool, at least for a while seeing as he had a comparatively bigger and harder boner. However, the scary part started when the boner would not go down, not even after getting off! He is hell-benton ensuring he does not experience the fear that brought on again.

6. Taking a hit
As Tim explains, he once smoked some weed before he got it going. Unfortunately, he became hyper-sensitive to every little thing and so he pulled out. In his freaked state, he kept saying that he could not do it. Fortunately for him, the girl had a really understanding personality, though not enough to let him get some again. Tim swears there is no way he is taking a hit before lovemaking again.

A variety of reasons lead men to such desperate measures, among which peer pressure ranks high. In a bid to show how manly they are, some guys end up revealing just how naive they really are. However, having an understanding partner goes a long way towards assuaging such insecurities, which enhances the chances of achieving an enjoyable and satisfactory experience.

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