Get Perfectly Shaped Eyebrows Without Tweezers

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Get Perfectly Shaped Eyebrows Without Tweezers

Get Perfectly Shaped Eyebrows Without Tweezers

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Perfectly shaped eyebrows can transform the way you look. There are many ways to get the kind of eyebrows you have always wanted, but one that is gaining more and more popularity these days is threading. Threading is a technique that comes from India and that has been around for a very long time, but it has recently become one that many salons offer all over the world. If you are not sure if threading is the right option for you, we have broken down the process so that you can feel more comfortable doing it yourself or having an expert do it for you.

Get Perfectly Shaped Eyebrows Without Tweezers

The first thing you need to do is to get a piece of cotton or polyester thread. This can be any type, though the cotton ones tend to be easier to maneuver. Tie it to create a loop and trim the ends of the knot off. Take the time to also brush your eyebrows, since you need to be able to see all of the hairs as well as possible.



Take the loop of thread and twist it into an “X”. Repeat this ten times. This helps create what you will use to pluck hair, called a shuttle. Before you begin, take the time to practice opening the shuttle with one hand while closing it with the other. It creates a scissoring motion that will make it possible to pluck from all angles. To begin plucking, hold your hands with your fingers turned away from your face as you place the thread on one eyebrow. You want to thread in the opposite direction in which the hair grows to have the most success.




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The hair should be within the loop of thread now, and as you move the hand that closes the thread, the hair should easily come out. Keep making that scissoring motion if it does not want to come loose. It will probably take some time to get to master this, but it is one of the most effective techniques when it comes to plucking eyebrows. It is less painful than regular plucking and it is easier to get the shape you want for your eyebrows. Many people use cooling gels afterward, to prevent redness and irritation. Be sure, however, not to use makeup on the area for a bit, since this can clog up the pores and can create spots.


Having nicely shaped eyebrows does not have to be stressful and it does not have to take a long time to do. By using threading techniques that have been around for ages, you will be able to create the exact shape you want in an easy, almost pain-less manner. Be sure to have a cooling gel you can use if you experience discomfort afterward and brush your eyebrows before starting to make sure you know which hairs to remove. With a bit of practice, you will master the art of eyebrow threading and you will never again have to wax or pluck.

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