Natural Immune Boosting Kefir That Prevent Cancer And Improves Overall Health

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Natural Immune Boosting Kefir That Prevent Cancer And Improves Overall Health

Natural Immune Boosting Kefir That Prevent Cancer And Improves Overall Health

Maintaining health and wellness is a major goal for everyone. To this end, many people spend considerable time doing things to promote good health for themselves and their families.


Unfortunately, despite these efforts, people come down with serious illnesses on a regular basis. One of these is the scourge and the epidemic known as cancer. It kills millions around the world every year, and Western medicine has done little to curb its deadly course.

There is good news, though. For millennia, eastern and traditional medicine has been able to slow and stop the progression of many types of cancer. Diet has been central to this effort, and foods with probiotic properties are of particular value.

One such delicious and nutritious probiotic is the popular and healthy drink known as kefir. It has a proven ability to fight many kinds of illnesses, and it effects on cancer will be detailed in the following paragraphs.


Kefir as a special beverage that is fermented, contains many beneficial substances, and can be made with just about any kind of liquid.

It is fairly simple to make. In order to do so, kefir grains need to be obtained. These can be readily procured from health food stores, and are also widely available online. Once these arrive, they are mixed with the brewers’ milk of choice and allowed to ferment for a specific period of time. After the appointed period, the kefir can be enjoyed as a drink or an ingredient in one of the thousands of recipes.

RELATED ARTICLE: What The Medical World Doesn’t Want You To Know About Cancer


The answer to that question is a resounding yes! Study after study – often at the highest levels – have continued to produce evidence of the anti-cancer capabilities that kefir brings to the table.

An example of this is the intense research that has surrounded the capabilities of kefir which were conducted at the U.S. National Institutes of Health. One of them concerned dangerous cancer that is known as adult lymphoblastic leukemia or ALL. This disease attacks the white blood cells, and thus can have a devastating effect on the human immune system.

During the course of this important study, cancer cells were exposed to varying levels of kefir. After varying periods of time, these malignant cells were re-examined.

In every case, kefir produced surprising and encouraging results. One study came to the conclusion that kefir is quite efficient at preventing the growth and proliferation of cancerous cells! Drinking kefir is thus one of the most delicious ways of avoiding cancer that is known to humanity.


And now for a delicious and preventative kefir recipe that is easy to make, and can be enjoyed by just about anybody. That said, individuals with sensitive systems or chronic illnesses will want to check with their doctors before embarking on dietary changes.

The ingredients for this drink are simply coconut water, kefir grains, and a stick of cinnamon. After the coconut water has been obtained, place it in a sterilized glass jar. Add the cultures and any starter fluid, and then the cinnamon stick. Allow it to ferment for at least 12 hours at a room temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The appearance of carbonation bubbles will be noticed when it is just about ready.

Everyone knows that cancer is an ever present risk. That said, those that make use of super foods such as kefir will be giving themselves the tools to fight back.

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