
The Positive Side of Medicine

Avoid Talking About THIS If You Want To Keep Up Your New Relationship

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Avoid Talking About THIS If You Want To Keep Up Your New Relationship

Avoid Talking About THIS If You Want To Keep Up Your New Relationship


In any new relationship, it is very important to consider the feelings of your new partner. Especially when talking about previous relationships, no matter how casual, your new partner can be incredibly sensitive to the subject. Generally men tend to be more possessive and sensitive about past partners that the women may have had.

Avoid Talking About THIS If You Want To Keep Up Your New Relationship

Finding a balance is vital. The best course of action for any woman trying to work through the tumultuous time that is a new relationship is a mixture of honesty and ego stroking while down playing any recent past relationships to this new man.

RELATED ARTICLE: Stop THIS Before It Ruins Your Relationship! Says New Study

Be confident in your life and your choices while also maintaining a high level of respect for your new partner and their feelings. Learn how to be upfront while continuing to be sensitive to their needs. Have you ever fallen into this potentially relationship ruining pattern?

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