5 Common Relationship Fears All of Us Have And What to Do About Them
Entering into a new relationship can be scary, especially if your past ones ended badly. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter your age, occupation or any other factor. If you have been hurt before, you may have fears. Here are five common relationship fears you may have as you enter into a new one, and some advice to help you get over that fear so as to not self-sabotage your new relationship.
The Fear of Your Partner Cheating on You
A fear of a partner straying is one of the most common relationship fears. While you cannot control the other person’s actions, you can control yours. If you feel the person is cheating, you can either confront them, ask them or simply decide to trust in what they are saying.
RELATED ARTICLE: Relationships: Cheating
Being Scared About Opening Up to Someone
While it is common that you want to keep yourself and your heart guarded, it is important to the relationship that you open up. With that being said, you do not have to disclose every personal detail about your life from the beginning. Open up and share some personal details and let them make a determination on their own about who you are as a person.
Feeling Like You Aren’t Good Enough for Your New Mate
While most people may blame themselves for a previous relationship failing, you need to understand it was a two-way street. Not everyone is going to have the same morals or beliefs as you. In this new relationship, go into it confident. Whether you are a man or a woman, not being confident in yourself will show your new person that you may not be right for them. Let them know the type of person you are from the beginning.
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Fearing the Same Outcome as Your Past Relationships
While fearing that your relationship will turn out like previous ones is understandable, you need to know that this one is different. The difference between the last one and current one is simple; it’s a different person. This new one needs to be given a different approach to prevent the same outcome. If you worry about it, the same thing may repeat itself.
Not Fully Trusting Your New Partner
Trust is the hardest thing to obtain and yet the easiest to lose with anyone. While you may be hesitant to trust fully for fear of a broken heart, it is important to give a respectful amount of trust to the person if you want the relationship to continue and to be built upon. If you can’t trust your new partner, you may need to end the relationship until you are emotionally healed from your previous relationship and ready to trust people again.
When entering into a new relationship, no one goes in wanting to get hurt. However, your past relationships can leave you jaded and scarred, both of which can cause trouble in your new relationship. Luckily, being scared of your partner cheating, being scared to open up, feeling insecure, fearing the same outcome as past relationships and not fully trusting your new partner are all fairly normal and can all be overcome.