
The Positive Side of Medicine

The Secrets of Acupressure Revealed: By Pressing This Point to Prevent Vomiting and Nausea!

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The Secrets of Acupressure Revealed: By Pressing This Point to Prevent Vomiting and Nausea!

The Secrets of Acupressure Revealed: By Pressing This Point to Prevent Vomiting and Nausea!

Acupressure, an ancient healing art that uses the principles of traditional Oriental acupuncture to promote circulation and relieve muscle tension, is showing promise as a noninvasive treatment for nausea and vomiting. Instead of using needles, like acupuncture does, acupressure is done by applying pressure to trigger points with the fingers. Scientists say it works by changing pain messages sent from nerves to the brain. In a pilot study released in 2015 and published in “Complementary Theories in Medicine,” researchers looked at wrist acupressure for postoperative nausea and vomiting. Preliminary results showed promise and highlighted the need for a large clinical trial.


Acupressure for Nausea

Nausea, the sensation that precedes vomiting, has many causes. Among these are pregnancy, migraines, alcohol consumption, allergies, food poisoning, cancer treatment, and viruses. While nausea is uncomfortable, vomiting can lead to dehydration and cause serious problems. According to “Acupuncture Today,” more than three dozen randomized controlled studies have been done to test the efficacy of acupressure for nausea.

Pressure Point Neiguan (P-6)

The techniques used in research vary, depending on the studies and participants, but most Chinese acupuncturists favor the same pressure point, P-6, when treating nausea. P-6, or the Neiguan, is located on the inner arm, approximately three fingers below the distal wrist crease.

Acupressure can be used in conjunction with acupuncture or as an independent therapy to treat nausea and vomiting. Patients may also apply acupressure to P-6 on their own. Some practitioners prescribe acupressure bracelets, bands that apply pressure to specific points on the arm.

How to Apply Acupressure for Nausea

This easy self-treatment is recommended by professionals at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City:

• Hold your hand so that your fingers are pointed up and you are looking at your palm.
• To find P-6, put the first three fingers of your other hand across your wrist. Then, put your thumb just above your index finger. You know you’re in the right place if you feel two tendons under your thumb.
• Use your forefinger and your thumb to apply pressure in a circular motion for two or three minutes. You should use steady, firm pressure, but it should not be uncomfortable.
• Now repeat the same procedure on your other wrist.

Specialists recommend this process before each meal and before bedtime, or as needed throughout the day.

Have you ever tried acupressure for nausea or pain? If so, was it effective?

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