
The Positive Side of Medicine

8 Things You Should Never Do After 30

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8 Things You Should Never Do After 30

8 Things You Should Never Do After 30

Things to Quit Doing When You Hit Your 30s

Once you hit 30, your body begins to undergo certain physical changes. Eating and exercise behaviors that you could get away with in your college years, while maintaining decent physical health, just won’t fly as your body begins these changes.

To ensure you keep in tip-top shape after as you age, make sure to follow our guide of eight things you should never do after 30:

8 Things You Should Never Do After 30

1. Let Your Workout Schedule Slip

Regular exercise is key to keeping your body and heart healthy. This is especially true after hitting 30, says Men’s Health Magazine. Letting yourself become a stranger to the gym will weaken your heart, allowing fatty deposits to build up around it, while raising cholesterol and blood pressure.

2. Eat Unhealthy

Your metabolism slows a bit in your 30s, and bad eating habits are a recipe for disaster. Your body doesn’t need as many calories as it did in your 20s, so limit the intake to avoid putting on fatty weight. When snacking, try to pick healthy alternatives, or limit the quantity you’re consuming if it has to be junk food.

3. Avoid the Doctor

Many of us are stubborn about going to the doctor for regular checkups. But avoiding the doctor’s office in your 30s is a big no-no. Cholesterol, fat, and blood pressure all typically rise for people in their 30s and regular checkups are necessary to keep these under control, according to the Washington Hospital Healthcare System. An annual checkup is recommended.

4. Ignore Self Checkups

Your 30s are when a lot of potential serious complications could arise. Get information on how to perform checks for testicular or breast cancer, and catch any complications early on.

5. Let Your Back Weaken

Back pain is a chronic problem for many that oftentimes begins in their 30s. Work on keeping a tight core to avoid these problems.

6. Lose Sleep

With so much going on in your day, sleep can quickly move down your list of priorities. But you need 6-8 hours a night to avoid sleep deprivation, according to HealthCommunities.com, which can cause a series of bad health problems.

7. Smoke

Smoking at any age is bad for your health. But the harmful effects of smoking can quickly compound in your 30s, so if you still smoke, it’s time to investigate options for quitting.

8. Stress Out

Heavy stress has terrible effects on your body’s health. You have a lot on your plate at 30, but when you feel pressured or stressed, take a deep breath, smile, and relax. Your body will thank you for it.

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