10 Signs You’re Dating A Woman, Not A Girl
We have all been there guys. You meet a great woman, she’s nice, she’s sweet, pretty and knows just what to do to make you happy. Then you realize that you haven’t been dating a woman; you’ve been dating a girl. Here are the top ten signs that you’re dating a girl.
Sudden Change of Plans
Women keep their word. If they change plans, they better have a good reason. Girls change plans at the drop of a hat.
Constant Communication
Women don’t need to call, text or email you all the time. Girls do. Getting ten texts a day is a sign you’re dating a girl.
Women don’t need gifts on a regular basis. They prefer presents to be special. Girls want gifts all the time. Why? Because they’re insecure and need stuff to know you “love” them.
Women don’t get obsessed about what you do and who you do it with. Constant questions about where you were and who you were with is a major sign you’re dating a girl.
This is a big one. Women don’t mind if you have female friends, in fact, they like it because you can get another woman’s perspective on things and grow as a person. Girls don’t like their man to have any female friends apart from them. Again, it’s insecurity that separates the women from the girls.
Threats are the ultimate sign of immaturity. If your woman threatens to hurt you or herself, she’s a girl and it’s time for you to walk away.
Related Link: 8 Dating Mistakes According to Matchmakers
Dressing Slutty
Women don’t need to “dress hot” all time: they know they’re pretty already. Girls will dress slutty more than necessary for the extra attention.
Mind Reading
Girls expect their men to read their minds. Women speak their minds.
Picking Up the Check
Women are financially independent, and don’t expect you to pay for everything.
Drinking Too Much
Women know how to hold their liquor. Girls don’t know when to stop and get drunk way too fast!
Boring Convo
Women know how to have an interesting conversation. Girls haven’t picked up that skill yet.