
The Positive Side of Medicine

DIY Brown Sugar & Coconut Oil Face Scrub

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DIY Brown Sugar & Coconut Oil Face Scrub

Have a memorable spa day at home with this Brown Sugar & Coconut Oil Face Scrub. This is one of the easiest 1, 2, 3 exfoliating face scrubs that you can make at home.

Why brown sugar? It’s an excellent exfoliator, it helps remove dead skin from the face allowing healthy new skin cells to regenerate leaving us with glowing and youthful looking skin. Using brown sugar on your face is better than white sugar because it’s gentler to the skin.

Coconut oil is great for hydrating skin, it’s considered to be one of the best natural skin care products available, it contains vitamin E which significantly improves and stops signs of aging. Coconut Oil is can also be used as an alternative for sunscreen.

Ingredients: One Tablespoon Brown Sugar, One teaspoon Coconut Oil

Mix the two in a bowl and apply to your face, this scrub should not drip but have a paste-like consistency.

When exfoliating your face with this scrub make sure to rub your face gently, rubbing too hard will cause your face to turn red and have a burning sensation!

Check out the video below for exact instructions on how to make this fantastic scrub:

Kick back, relax, and enjoy your well deserved Spa Day!

brown sugar


Edited 9/23/14 SCD

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