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7 Upper Body Workouts without Weights

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7 Upper Body Workouts without Weights

7 Home Upper Body Workout without Weights

  • Sliding Forearm Presses
  • Triceps Kickback
  • Chest Presses
  • Arm Circles
  • Rhomboid Pulls
  • Prone Tricep Pushup
  • Wall Pushups plus Presses

  • Sliding Forearm Presses


  • Triceps Kickback

Triceps Kickback

  • Chest Presses

chest presses

  • Arm Circles

arm circles

  • Rhomboid Pulls

rhomboid chircles

  • Prone Tricep Pushup

tricep pushup

  • Wall Pushups plus Presses

wall pushups

body weight workout


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