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7 Foods that Burn Belly Fat

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7 Foods that Burn Belly Fat

7 Foods that Burn Belly Fat

Belly fat has become a fact of life for millions of people around the world. Many things are responsible for accumulation of belly fat including lifestyle and eating habits. Proper food and exercise is important to combat belly fat. Here are 7 foods that burn belly fat.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a rich source of fiber which is important for muscle building and fat reduction. After a night’s sleep blood sugar comes down. Eating oatmeal for breakfast helps you stay full longer and will help you to not run for a doughnut. When choosing oatmeal make sure you do not opt for high-sugar flavored versions, they’re high in calories.

2. Watermelon

Researchers say that watermelons alter blood lipids, which has significant impact on artery plaque disposition. This reduces the risk of accumulating belly fat. In a study conducted on animals at University of Kentucky, a few animals were given watermelon juice along with the experimental diet and some were given the same diet with water. Weeks later the animals who were given watermelon juice weighed less because of less abdominal fat.

3. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are vitamin rich and contain very few calories. A large tomato contains 33 calories. There is a compound found in tomatoes called 9-oxo-octadecadienoic, or 9-oxo-ODA which impacts circulating blood lipids resulting in reduction of fat. Tomato helps manage dyslipedemia, a condition responsible for fat accumulation in the abdomen.

4. Lamb

Lamb is a rich source of vitamin B, zinc, protein, and tryptophan. Lamb is a healthier alternative to processed or canned meat. Its also a tasty source of ionized protein. Lamb has conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, lower levels can lead to obesity, we cannot use dietary fat as a source of energy so it moves into cells resulting in obesity.

7 Foods that Burn Belly Fat


Seafood is popular all over the world because of its ability to control your waist size. Seafood fights belly fat and love handles and prevents fat from accumulating in bellies of people who are already slim. Seafood contains monounsaturated fats, or MUFA’s. Studies have suggested that people who have a diet rich in MUFA’s are slimmer and healthier than people who don’t.

6. Green vegetables

Vegetables are known worldwide for nutritional benefits. Along with numerous health benefits, green leafy vegetables have the ability to fight belly fat. They are low in calories and do not generate fat accumulation. Green vegetables like broccoli and spinach are high in fiber and have few calories. Fiber helps fight existing calories which prevents formation of new fat. Having a vegetable salad with greens for breakfast or before meals can give you a slimmer waist in a healthy body.


Tea is one drink that can help you burn belly fat. The green variant of this drink is very effective in burning fat. According to statistics tea drinkers burn 266 more calories per day than people who do not. Don’t use processed tea because its slimming ingredients get washed away during processing. Take a tea bag and dip it in hot water to make your favorite tea 4 times a day. As a tea-drinker who drinks at least 5 cups a day, I either drink TAZO teabags (the pyramid ones) or I brew loose-leaf tea in a tea pot.

[Last Updated on March 7th 2014]

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