10 Ways to Test your Dog’s IQ

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10 Ways to Test your Dog’s IQ

10 Ways to Test your Dog’s IQ

There are many ways to check the intelligence of your dogs. Problem solving is one of the best ways to determine how intelligent your dog is. Here are 10 ways to check your dog’s IQ. Don’t try to do all the tests in one day.

Towel Test

Take a long towel or cloth and quickly throw it over your dog’s head and shoulders. Observe:

5 Points -if your dog frees himself with in 15 seconds
4 Points – 16-30 seconds
3 Points – 31-60 seconds
2 points – 1-2 minutes
1 Point – if he doesn’t get free at all

Bucket Test

Keep a dog treat or toy under one of three buckets next to each other. Make sure your dog knows under which bucket you have placed it, then let your dog find it.

5 Points – if your dog goes straight to treat
4 Points – if your dog searches systematically and finds it
3 Points – if your dog searches randomly and finds it in less than 45 seconds
2 Points – if your dog searches but fails to find the treat
1 Point – if your dog shows no interest or forgets to find it

10 Ways to Test your Dog’s IQ

Favorite Spot

Rearrange the furniture when your dog is out. When he enters the room score per instructions below:

5 Points – If your dog goes directly to his favorite spot
4 Points – If he takes 30 seconds to find his favorite spot
3 Points – If he takes 31-60 seconds
2 Points – if he finds it in 1-2 minutes
1 Point – if he decides on a new area completely

Chair Puzzle

Keep a dog treat under a chair low enough that your dog can only fit a paw and not her head.

5 Points – if your dog gets the treat within 1 minute
4 Points – if your dog gets the treat in 1-3 minutes
3 Points – if he uses paws and muzzle but fails to get the treat
2 Points – if your dog uses muzzle only a few times and give up
1 Points – if he doesn’t try to get the treat

10 Ways to Test your Dog’s IQ

Go for a Walk

Choose a time other than when you normally go take your dog on a walk. Instead of telling him, quietly pick up your keys and his leash.

5 Points – if he comes to you for the leash
4 Points – if he gets excited
3 Points – if you have to walk to the door
2 Points – if he sits there confused
1 Point – if he doesn’t react at all

Barrier Test

Take a piece of cardboard and construct a barrier 5 feet long and taller than your dog on hind legs. Cut an opening 3 inches wide and the height of the barrier saving 4 inches on the top and bottom. Have your dog on one side and you on the other. Show them the treat through the opening and observe.

5 Points – If he gets through the barrier within 30 seconds
4 Points – If he takes 31-60 seconds
3 Points – if he takes 1-2 minutes
2 Points – if he pokes his head through the opening
1 Point – if he stands confused

Ball Test

Take a ball and show it to your dog. Let him play with it and sniff it. Then show it to him and hide it in an accessible cup.

5 Points – if he gets the ball in 0-15 seconds
4 Points – if he gets it in 16-30 seconds
3 Points – if he gets it in 1-2 minutes
2 Points – if your dog tries and fails to get it
1 Point – if your dog shows no interest

10 Ways to Test your Dog’s IQ 0

Food under can

Show a tidbit of food to your dog and let him sniff it. Then with the full attention of your dog, slowly place the food on the ground 2 meters (about 6 feet) away and invert the can over it and encourage your dog to get it.

5 Points – if your dog knocks the can over and gets the food within 5 seconds
4 Points – if your dog knocks over the can and gets the food in 6-15 seconds
3 Points – if he gets it in 16-30 seconds
2 Points – if he gets it in 30 to 60 seconds
1 Point – if he sniffs around and doesn’t get it

Language comprehension

Leave your dog for a moment and in your usual voice call his name
5 Points – if your dog has not responded and comes if you call his name
3 Points – if your dog shows some response
1 Point – if he fails to come

Recognizing the smile

Pick a time when your dog is sitting about 2 meters (about 6 feet) away from you and has not been told to sit or stay. Stare into his face when he looks at you, count silently to 3 seconds and then smile broadly.

5 Points – if your dog comes with tail wagging
4 Points – if your dog comes slowly or with no tail wagging
3 Points – if your dog stands or rises to a sitting position but does not move toward you
2 Points – if your dog moves away from you
1 Point – if your dog does not pay any attention


40 – 50 = Genius
30 – 39 = Highly Intelligent
20 – 29 = High Average
15 – 19 = Average
10 – 14 = Low Average
05 – 10 = Borderline
0 – 04 = Deficient (still probably cute!)

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