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16 Unforgettable Facts about Peanut Butter

16 Interesting Facts about Peanut Butter [Last Updated on February 24th 2014] By PositiveMed_Team Edited By: Stephanie Dawson Much has been said about the health

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OcTATAber :)

Yes, I came up with that one myself. It’s breast cancer awareness month, all through October we will be sharing facts, figures, etc. with you.

Why Protein Matters In Your Diet.
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Why Protein Matters In Your Diet

Everybody needs a certain amount of protein to survive. Many people who don’t study nutrition choose foods based on availability, affordability and taste without even considering health factors.


9 Ways to Improve your Memory Naturally

9 Ways to Improve your Memory Naturally By Positivemed-Team Edited By: Stephanie Dawson Often people find they forget the what they read or where they

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