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The 6 Worst Summer Drinks

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The 6 Worst Summer Drinks

We all know that on hot summer days there is nothing more refreshing than a nice cool cocktail, but they often come with ingredients and calories your body really doesn’t want, and could eventually increase the likelihood that you’ll gain weight or develop diabetes.

1. Baskin Robbins Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Shake

This chemical concoction contains no fewer than 40 ingredients, and its calorie equivalent is the same as eating 8.5 Krispy Kreme Donuts.

2. Piña Colada

Yep, even though we may love a Piña Colada, this alcoholic beverage contains the highest calories of them all. In fact just three glasses of this tasty coconut and pineapple drink fulfills the amount of calories you need per day.

3. Margaritas

Margaritas are the ultimate summer drink, and who doesn’t love some tequila from now and then, but, unfortunately, frozen margaritas are a triple threat: first, the calorie count is invariably high, second, an average glass can pack more sugar than a pint of Haagen-Dazs Crème Brulèe ice cream, and third, the salted rim can knock out nearly a day’s worth of sodium in an instant.

The 6 Worst Summer Drinks

4. Beer

The average 12-oz bottle of beer has 200 carb-filled calories, although you may be thinking, summer isn’t summer without a cold beer, and you are probably right, just keep in mind that if you don’t want a beer belly by the time summer ends, it’s better to minimize your consumption.

5. Long Island Iced tea

Tea is healthy, right? Not when it’s chock full of sugar, and especially not this popular drink, which actually does not contain any tea.

6. Frappuccino

Many love icy Frappuccino’s, but we might have to re-think our coffee drink next time we stop for one, since these treats pack a calorie punch that most of us can’t afford.


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