The Best Exercises To Firm Up Your Chin and Jaw Line

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The Best Exercises To Firm Up Your Chin and  Jaw Line

The Best Exercises To Firm Up Your Chin and Jaw Line

The chin area is connected to the neck and shoulders by a large area of powerful muscle called the sternocleidomastoid. This extensive flap of muscle anchors in under the collarbone and connects to the chin as far as behind the ear. The following exercise work this muscle in particular:

Sit comfortably on a stool with your back straight, your feet flat on the floor, and your hands resting in your lap.

firm up your chin

1. Keeping your back straight and your shoulders still, tilt your head downward, comfortably

2. Slowly roll your head toward your right shoulder, going only as far as you comfortably can

3. Now gently tilt your head backward, being careful not to strain your neck, especially if you have problems in this area.

4. Finally, roll your head toward your left shoulder, before returning to the starting position to complete the circular movement.

The Best Exercises To Firm Up Your Chin and  Jaw Line
The Best Exercises To Firm Up Your Chin and Jaw Line


Repeat the sequence once more, slowly, in the same direction, then twice more going in the opposite direction.

Here is another exercise that helps to tone the jawline area and get rid of double chin. Please not that you have to do these exercises regularly for the best results:

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