
The Positive Side of Medicine

How to Make The Best Smoothies

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How to Make The Best Smoothie

Personally, I’m a fan of smoothies and I drink one or two smoothies a day. I always try different recipes to make the best smoothies. You can make special smoothies for weight loss, detox, or any specific health purposes. You can drink smoothies for your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even as pre-workout or post-workout drink.

Nowadays smoothies are everywhere and the smoothie phenomenon is the next big thing in the food industry: Even Burger King has a “Real Fruit” smoothie line!! So the question is are all smoothies healthy? Let’s take a closer look at Burger King’s Strawberry Banana “Real Fruit Smoothie”. It contains sugar syrup, natural flavors (???) , Xanthan Gum, Pectin, Guar Gum and CMC Gum. If you want real fruit healthy smoothie it should only contain the healthy materials that you expect to see in a smoothie. So the next time, make your smoothie at home and enjoy health benefits of the real ingredients. To make the best smoothies, you don’t need expensive ingredients or a fancy blender. You can easily buy a great-performing blender for under 100 Dollars. Just start from the ingredients you have at home and follow these amazing info graphic to make the best smoothies. As an old friend once said: “Do what you can with what you have to get started. Just get started!

make the best smoothie

Make sure to check out “5 Weight Loss Smoothies You Wouldn’t Imagine That Aid in Fast Weight Loss

How to Make The Best Smoothies
[Last Updated on June 4th 2014]

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