
The Positive Side of Medicine

10 Home Remedies to Relieve the Pain for Acid Reflux and Heartburn

natural remedies for acid reflux

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{Last Updated: May 2nd, 2013]

Do you suffer from acid reflux? This is when acids produced by your stomach can move up into your esophagus and can result in the burning chest pain known as heartburn, if you are familiar with this, or if you, in fact, suffer from it more than twice a week, you have acid reflux disease, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. Don’t panic, there are foods that can help you reduce acid reflux and turn your body into a heartburn-free zone.

1. Oatmeal- it’s not only a deliciously warm, healthy, filling breakfast, it also absorbs acidity.
2. Ginger- it’s an anti-inflammatory and works as a reflux treatment for gastrointestinal conditions.
3. Aloe Vera- a natural healing agent and also seems to treat acid reflux.

natural remedies for acid reflux

4. Salads- a primary meal for those with acid reflux, avoid tomatoes, onions, cheese, and high-fat dressings.
5. Bananas- they’re usually great for people with acid reflux because of their pH level (5.6.)6. Melons are good for acid reflux (pH 6.1)

7. Fennel- it improves stomach function and is a great food for acid reflux.
8. Chicken and turkey- they are staples of The Reflux Diet but must be cooked without the fatty skin.
9. Fish and seafood- another staple of The Reflux Diet, just be careful how you prepare it.
10. Roots and greens- almost all green vegetables are recommended for people following this diet (or any diet).

Edited 7/29/14 SCD

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