
The Positive Side of Medicine

The Best Cellulite Treatments

The Best Cellulite Treatments

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Many of us struggle with cellulite for years and try many different treatment options. Some purchase “the best cellulite creams” or expensive anti-cellulite gels. Some even try laser cellulite removal. Anyway, cellulite removal is a huge business. But the truth is we have to take a multidimensional approach to fight cellulite:

The Best Cellulite Treatments

1. Healthy Diet:

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoid fatty foods and sugar. You cannot even imagine how bad sugary drinks are for your body.

2. Drink Plenty of Water:

Water helps flush out fat and toxins from your body, it also suppresses your appetite and helps you eat less.

3. Skin Treatment:

Many expensive cellulite creams contain caffeine because caffeine increases blood flow and reduces fat cells under the skin, so one of the best options for skin treatment is a ground coffee scrub, which you can easily prepare at home: Want smooth skin treatment? Coffee ground scrub can fight cellulite

4. Exercise:

Exercise boosts muscle tone and increases blood flow to fat under the skin. Watch this video that demonstrates some effective exercises to reduce cellulite.

Edited 7/29/14 SCD

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