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“650 pound virgin” on weight roller-coaster

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"650 pound virgin" on weight roller-coaster

David Smith, once making headlines for his extreme weight loss, gained 250 pounds in the past two years. Now he vows once again to go back to gym and lose the weight. Three year ago David was around 650 pounds, but with the help of TLC, he lost more than 400 pounds, found the love of his life, become inspiration for many and interviewed in every TV networks. Then he lost his confidence and self-love, and gained 250 pounds!

“I wasn’t doing too well. I looked really good on the outside, but inside I was a terrible mess. All my life I was this monster in my head and all of a sudden, to be this good looking guy, it blew my mind away. I didn’t know how to deal with it,” David said in his interview. This clearly emphasizes the importance of the shift in mindset and also keeping up those goals.

Watch this video for the whole story of ups and downs in David’s life:

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