
The Positive Side of Medicine


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Fukushima Fallout Mutations

Fukushima Fallout Mutations No one forgets about the nuclear fallout from Fukushima in March of 2011, especially those who became ill. Apparently it doesn’t stop

love & life

Being Honest

Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it’ll always get you the right ones.  

all positive experiences

Good vs Evil

To obtain personal growth and satisfaction with yourself and your body at any size we must first learn to stop labeling our food, “good food”

Health and Food


We rarely think about radishes unless they are sliced on our salad or carved into a lovely rose as a garnish, but these are little

autoimmune disease

How Did I Develop a Thyroid Disorder?

How Did I Develop a Thyroid Disorder? –by Dr. Michael L. Johnson, Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist

In 1998, the Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders stated

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