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A Weight Loss Video That Is Guaranteed To Make You Cry

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A Weight Loss Video That Is Guaranteed To Make You Cry

A Weight Loss Video That Is Guaranteed To Make You Cry

Imagine being over three hundred pounds and trapped in a prison of your own body. You don’t have the energy or the ability to walk for long periods at a time, you don’t feel confident in your own skin and even a new dress doesn’t do much to raise your self-esteem.

To Make You Cry

Lauren, a YouTube blogger under the screen name “LoseItLikeLauren,” was once in those exact shoes. You’d never imagine it now, however. Today, Lauren is the kind of gorgeous, slim and fit woman who probably turns just about every head when she walks down the street.

In a video entitled “My Weight Loss Journey,” Lauren juxtaposes current footage of herself with footage of herself at her highest weight when she first began her journey. The results are so shocking that it almost looks like two completely different people.

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Lauren didn’t do anything crazy. Her weight loss “secret?” Eating right and exercising. Totally basic, totally time-tested and totally effective.

“[I felt like] I was trapped in a body I didn’t belong in,” Lauren narrates over footage of her three hundred pounds former self-crying. “I was so sad.”


Lauren had done some unfortunately irreversible damage to her body by getting to such a large weight, however. Her stomach was permanently stretched due to all of her years spent carrying excess pounds. Luckily, doctors were able to do a tummy tuck surgery on the blogger, giving her the stomach that she deserved for all of her hard work and perseverance.

Lauren credits her YouTube channel with keeping her on track throughout her journey. She started her journey an unknown and unhappy obese woman and ended it a svelte, gorgeous YouTube personality with over twenty thousand subscribers. She has one motto for anyone watching her videos who’s struggling with excess weight or obesity.

“Keep losing, keep smiling.”

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