
The Positive Side of Medicine

The Rise of GPT-4: How AI is Revolutionizing Medicine and Challenging Physicians

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By Nima Schei, MD- As we stand on the cusp of an AI revolution, the field of medicine is poised to experience a transformative change. In a recent book co-authored by Isaac Kohane, a doctor and computer scientist from Harvard, entitled “The AI Revolution in Medicine,” Kohane shared his groundbreaking findings on the latest artificial intelligence model from OpenAI, GPT-4. According to Kohane, this model has outperformed many physicians he has observed in a medical setting, answering US medical exam licensing questions with over 90% accuracy.

But the capabilities of GPT-4 go far beyond test-taking prowess. The AI model is also a skilled translator and summarizer. It can effortlessly translate medical information for patients in various languages and simplify complex medical jargon for easier comprehension. Additionally, it can even provide bedside manner tips for doctors and explain its reasoning through problems, exhibiting a human-like intelligence.

Despite its many impressive capabilities, however, GPT-4 is not without limitations. While the AI model can diagnose medical conditions with impressive accuracy, even in rare cases such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, it is still limited to the patterns it recognizes in data and does not possess true understanding or intentionality. As Kohane noted in his book, GPT-4 cannot engage in causal reasoning.

Furthermore, GPT-4 is not infallible and can make errors ranging from clerical errors to math mistakes. It can even “hallucinate” or make up answers, causing concern over the safety and efficacy of its medical advice for families who may have access to it.

While the limitations of GPT-4 are apparent, it still marks a significant milestone in the evolution of AI in medicine. As Kohane notes in his book, the model has the potential to aid doctors and reduce screen time, making it a valuable tool in the field of medicine.

However, as we continue to envision a future with smarter machines that may surpass human intelligence, we must also consider the ethical implications and limitations of such technology. Microsoft, one of the leading companies in the field of AI, has emphasized the importance of responsible AI in healthcare in a recent blog post. The company recognizes the potential of AI to improve healthcare outcomes, but also acknowledges the importance of transparency, accountability, and ensuring the technology benefits everyone.

In conclusion, the evolution of AI in medicine has the potential to revolutionize the field, but we must proceed with caution. As we continue to develop smarter machines and AI models, we must also consider the ethical implications and limitations of such technology to ensure that it is used to benefit society as a whole.

About the author: Nima Schei is a medical doctor, neuroscientist, and AI entrepreneur who has revolutionized the field of technology. He is the founder and CEO of Hummingbirds AI, which provides touchless continuous authentication for security, privacy, and compliance. Schei’s unique approach to AI has yielded over 300 industrial use cases and the creation of emotion-based machines that mimic how humans make decisions. He is also a passionate advocate for animal rights and a devoted vegan, committed to bringing about positive change in the world.

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